

Luxor - LAM Not Assigning Lights


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The three considerations, if your LAM (Light Assignment Module) is not working consistently, would be a good battery, good signal strength, and good smart device signal (e.g. iPhone, Android, etc.). Another option of communicating better with fixtures would be using the cloud option. Luxor Cloud requires facepack version 0.33 or higher. For more information, visit support section here to learn more.

NOTE: The Luxor ZD/ZDC models are not compatible with cloud connection.

The LAM should be removed from a device while it is not in use to conserve LAM battery life. The LAM battery may need to be replaced if it suddenly stops functioning.  Replace with a CR2032 coin cell battery. Some devices may ask to access the headphone jack and you must select OK for the LAM to work.

Signal Strength

Making sure you have the necessary signal strength in the controller is important when using the Luxor wifi system. Our recommended RSSI would be 70 or higher for devices to work normally. For more information on checking the RSSI, use the article here.

Smart Device Strong Signal

If your smart device has a weak signal, this could hinder the performance of the range when using the LAM module. The better signal on your device, the better range you will have when assigning lights to a group in the field.

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