
Luxor ZD/ZDC

Converting Luxor System (ZD) to Color (ZDC)


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Luxor offers both zoning and dimming capabilities that provide virtually limitless design possibilities.  The new Luxor ZDC has all the features of the Luxor ZD + Color. ZDC offers 30,000 different color choices for unmatched ability to customize landscape lighting for any occasion, season, or mood.  A color system requires that a ZDC LED board is installed into each desired FX LED fixture. It also requires replacing the existing Luxor ZD facepack with a Luxor ZDC facepack. Standard and ZD enabled FX fixtures will zone and zone/dim (respectively) on a ZDC facepack, but color is achieved only through the use of specific ZDC led boards.


Converting the FX LED fixture from ZD technology to ZDC technology will require all of the following:

1. Changing to Color panel for Luxor controller (ZDCFP)

2. Installing color board (ZDCKITM and ZDCKITL)

3. Programming of the LED board 

4. Changing the LED board in the field

NOTE: Any fixture using a FX 3LED, 6LED, or 9LED size board can be upgraded to ZDC color.

Board Compatibility

The ZDCKITM board is used for the following fixtures: (up lights) FB, CC, PB, (path lights) CA, DM, JSCV, CB, EA, QFTM, PL, (wall light) MO, (down lights) JB, VE

The ZDCKITL board is used for the following fixtures: (up lights) NP, VS, LC, RW, NR, (path lights) PM, FG, TD (down lights) NL, PS, DE, (specialty) PE, LL, FC, KG



Programming the board

There are two options when assigning the new LED boards:

1. Programming at controller (Luxor): Any LED board can be assigned at the controller level using a LED socket assembly (752600 1.5m Connector) or removing the fixture from the field and bringing it back to the controller.  For more information on assigning a fixture at the Luxor controller, please visit the support section Grouping Light Fixtures.

2. Programming using the LAM (Light Assignment Module): If the WIFI module or LAN module is installed on the Luxor controller, then the fixtures can be assigned a group while installed in the field.  For more information on the LAM device, please visit our LAM Support Section.







Changing the Board
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