
PX - Running Cable to Lighting Fixtures


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Once the transformer has been installed and all fixture locations determined, the next step is to run the correct size cable from the transformer to the fixtures while providing each fixture with between a 10.5 and 11.5 volt operating range. This is accomplished by:

  1. Grouping fixtures into distance zones as illustrated below. Do not have a fixture that is 10' away from the transformer on the same cable run as one that is 100' away.
  2. Use the proper cabling method for the application. Try to center load all cable runs when possible to minimize the voltage differential between fixtures. Maximum voltage differential between the first fixture and the last fixture on any given circuit should not exceed 1 volt with a 0.5 volt differential being optimum.
  3. Use the correct size cable to accommodate voltage drop. As a general rule of thumb, limit the wattage load per each cable run to no more than 100 to 160 watts.
  4. Choosing the correct voltage tap on the PX Transformer terminal block. The PX Series Transformer low voltage tap lugs are the biggest in the industry. If your system has 5 cable runs that all need to be installed into the 13 volt tap, multiple cables will easily fit into each of the lugs.

Summary: For maximum light output and lamp life, the goal when installing low voltage systems is to provide each lamp with between 10.5 and 11.5 volts. To stay within a 0.5 to 1.0 volt differential between the first light and the last light on a given circuit, you must group the fixtures into distance zones and not overload the cable with excessive wattage. As a rule of thumb, limit the distance between the first fixture and the last fixture on any given run to no more than 50 feet.

The FX MultiTap Transformer allows you the opportunity to utilize the voltage tap that will provide each circuit with the proper voltage. For cable runs in the “distant zone” you would typically select the 13 or 14 volt tap. For cable runs in the “close zone,” you would typically install the cable run into the 11 or 12 volt tap depending upon the wattage load and size of cable.

Cabling Methods

Within each cabling zone, you may utilize any of a number of cabling methods. The primary objective is to minimize voltage drop by installing the proper size feeder cable (home run) to each zone and to make sure that each fixture on each cable run is receiving between 10.5 and 11.5 volts, or 10–15 volts for LED fixtures. Center feeding the “home run” (the main cable run from the transformer to the first fixture on the circuit) will help minimize the voltage differential between the first fixture and the last fixture on the cable run.

Tee method (Recommended for Incandescent systems)

The tee method center feeds the “home run” section of the cable and reduces the voltage differential between the first fixture and the last fixture on either side of the “tee.” This method is the preferred circuiting technique as it is easy to install and minimizes the voltage drop between first and last fixtures.

Daisy chain method (Recommended for LED systems)

Daisy chained circuits are the least efficient cabling method as more voltage is fed to the first fixture on the run and due to voltage drop, each subsequent fixture receives less and less voltage. This is not a problem for FX LED fixtures due to its large voltage acceptance range of 10–15 volts.


Low voltage lighting systems are typically installed using UF (underground feeder) rated stranded cable. The most common cable used is referred to as 12/2 stranded cable. The size of cable used in wiring the lighting system will be determined by the wattage load and the length of cable run from the transformer to the lighting fixtures.

It is very important to note that all low voltage cable has a maximum safe rating. Overloading cable can create a dangerous safety hazard so be sure to cable your lighting system with the proper size cable.

Wire Size Max Load at 12 Volts
16/2 10.4 amps - 125 watts
14/2 12 amps - 144 watts
12/2 16 amps - 192 watts
10/2 24 amps - 288 watts
8/2 25 amps - 300 watts **

** 8 gauge cable has the capacity of handling up to 32 amps and 384 watts of load; however, the maximum capacity of the circuit breaker in the transformer equals 25 amps or 300 watts.

Connecting Cables to Terminal Block

The PX Series Transformer terminal block consists of 9 or 10 terminal lugs depending upon the transformer model. The PX 300 Series Transformer includes one “common” lug, an 11, 12, 13, and 14 volt “hot” lug and four lugs wired to the line voltage side of the transformer. The PX 600 Series Transformer terminal block has two “common” lugs, four low voltage “hot” lugs and four line voltage lugs. The PX 900 Series Transformer terminal block has three “common” lugs, a 12, 13, and 14 volt “hot” lug and the four line voltage lugs.

Each of the “common” lugs in any of the PX Series Transformers has a maximum wattage capacity of 300 watts or 25 amps. Each of the “hot” lugs in any of the PX Series Transformers has a maximum wattage capacity equal to the maximum load of the transformer. In other words, the 13 volt tap on a PX 600 Transformer can handle up to 600 watts of load. But the commons can handle only up to 300 watts each.

Terminal block of a PX 600 Series Transformer

Number of cables in each lug

The PX Series Transformer has the industry’s largest terminal block lugs. You will be able to easily fit many cables into each voltage lug should your installation call for it. (We have actually installed over ten 12 gauge cables into a single lug.)

Common lugs

One conductor from each cable run coming from the lights to the transformer must be connected to one of the common lugs. As previously stated, each common lug can handle a maximum capacity of 300 watts or 25 amps of load. The other conductor will be installed into the hot lug that provides the optimum voltage for each circuit.

Choosing the proper “hot” voltage lug

Choosing the proper “hot” voltage lug in which to install the conductor is determined by the circuit’s voltage drop. If a circuit’s voltage drop is calculated to be about 3 volts, install the “hot” side of the cable into the 14 volt tap to assure proper voltage at the lamp. (14 volts minus 3 volts = 11 volts) Note: The voltage reading at each “hot” lug will vary depending upon the incoming voltage provided by the 120 volt receptacle. If the receptacle reads 128 volts, it is not uncommon for the 12 volt lug on the transformer to read 12.6–12.9 volts. On the other hand, if the receptacle is reading only 116 volts, the 12 volt lug may only read 11.8–12.2 volts. Always verify both high voltage and low voltage readings with a digital voltmeter. (See page 11) Fine tune each circuit by using a digital voltmeter. Lamps perform best when supplied between 10.5 and 11.5 volts. Before waterproofing wire connections, take a voltage reading at the first and last fixture on each circuit. If the voltage reading at the first fixture on the circuit reads less than 10.5 volts, move the conductor up to a lug that will provide approximately 11 to 11.5 volts. (Example – voltmeter reads 9.6 volts at the first fixture on the circuit and the conductor is was installed on the 11 volt lug. Move the conductor to the 12 or 13 volt lug and it will now read 10.6 or 11.6 volts.) If the voltage reading exceeds 12 volts, move the conductor down to a voltage tap that will meet the desired voltage range (10.5–11.5 volts).

Circuit breakers

All PX Series Transformers are protected with high quality circuit breakers located on the face of the transformer. The PX 300 has a single 25 amp circuit breaker. The PX 600 has two 25 amp circuit breakers and the PX 900 has three 25 amp circuit breakers. These circuit breakers should always remain in the “On” position; otherwise the system will not operate. They are NOT to be used as “On/ Off” switches. Switching the transformer should be performed by other means. The circuit breakers are safety switches which will trip if the system experiences a short in the cabling or a system overload. If the circuit breakers are tripping, refer to the troubleshooting section of this guide. Once the problem has been resolved, the circuit breakers can be manually reset.

Internal circuit breaker

As an additional safety measure, each PX Series Transformer has an internal thermal overload circuit breaker that automatically shuts the system down should it be subjected to excessive heat. The internal circuit breaker cannot be manually reset. Once the transformer cools off (approximately 40 minutes), the internal breaker will reset and the system will reengage.

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